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Clerk - Monica Hernandez


Phone: (972) 925-5953

Ms. Monica Hernandez

Monica Hernandez is a Dallas, Texas native and a graduate of Sunset High School. She has also attended L.P. Cowart Elementary and L.V. Stockard Middle School. The 2022-2023 school year will be her 17h year with DISD. She loves working with the students and parents, and staff at Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet.

Ms. Hernandez has two children. Alejandro, who attends the Law Magnet, and Eliana, who attends Solar Prep for Girls for DISD. Ms. Hernandez loves to watch sports. Soccer is her favorite.  She loves her Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers too. She also loves to spend time with her 2 children, going to the movies, going to dinner, vacationing, and anything unplanned.