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Rodas, Aimee


Phone: (972) 925-5954

Qualifications: Bachelor’s of Science, Mathematics - Southern Methodist University (Texas)

Ms. Aimee Rodas

Aimee Rodas was born in Miami, Florida, and is of Cuban and Nicaraguan heritage. When she was ten years old, she moved to Dallas, Texas, and attended Edward H. Cary Middle School. Ms. Rodas graduated with high honors from the Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet. She was awarded the Mustang Scholarship and attended Southern Methodist University, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

She began teaching Algebraic Reasoning in 2018 at Skyline High School. In 2019, she was selected from hundreds of educators to teach the inaugural class of Skyline’s Collegiate Academy, where she taught Pre-AP Algebra I and Algebra II. Ms. Rodas is ecstatic about returning to her alma mater as a Pre-Calculus teacher for the 2020-21 school year.